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On this page, we have described the process of buying shares in whisky and/or rum casks at Fadandel.dk. You can also find explanations on the different terms.

In all our cooperative casks, we take a cask sample* home approx. every two years. As we get closer to the actual bottling of the individual cask, we take a smaller cask sample home approx. 2-3 months before we ordering the bottling. We do that to be sure that the whisky or rum, have the quality we like.

On each cask share we sell, we have indicated, when we expect it to be bottled. This is an assessment we take when we start selling the shares in the cask. If it turns out that the cask is ready for bottling before our assessment, we will bottle the cask when it is ready, and not wait. Conversely, if it turns out that the cask is not ready for bottling as first assumed, we will postpone the bottling. In either case, those who have already purchased a share in the cask, will be notified and our webshop will also be updated with this information.

You can see the status of the active casks in which we currently sell cask shares here. As well as the status of the casks where the cask shares may are sold out in

1. Purchase of cask share

On the page called “Cask Shares”, you’ll find the list of the casks, we’re selling shares in.
Once you’ve found the cask, which you want to buy, simply put it in the shopping cart by clicking “ADD TO CART” and pay for the purchase.
– If you want to buy the cask share as a gift, please enter in the comments section during the ordering process, the following information on the recipient of the cask share

  • Name
  • Adr.
  • Country
  • Mail adr.
  • Mobile number

– Then we make sure to fill out the certificate with this information, and send it along with your invoice to you.

When the order is completed, you will receive an order confirmation email. Within 1-2 business days, you will receive a new e-mail with purchase invoice as well as the certificate of your cask share(s) – even if it is for a gift, you can print the certificate out and give it as a gift.
When you buy a share in one of our casks, you only pay for your share in the whisky or rum – not the bottling, shipping, taxes, etc. that part is charged in what we call the “Import fee”.

2. Bottling

All our cask shares are bottled on standard 70cl round bottles, unless otherwise stated for the specific share. The bottling itself is always at cask strength – we do not put water in and nether color it with caramel etc.

All bottlings that come from our cask shares, are labelled with Fadandel.dk’s labels, unless otherwise agreed in when it was purchase.

3. Import fee

When the individual cask is ready for bottling, we order bottling at the warehouse where the cask is located. After the cask have been bottled, and we know the number of bottles as well as “% vol.” at the bottling, we get the labels printed. When labels are attached to the bottles, and the bottles are on their way home to our warehouse in Denmark, the cooperatives will be sent an invoice for the import fee. The import fee is to cover the cost of the bottling itself, labels, shipping to Denmark, taxes to the Danish state (including alcohol tax), and Danish VAT.

We do not charge this part of the payment together with the cask share itself, as it due that it is difficult to estimate in advance how many “% vol.” there’s in the whisky/rum and not least possibly new charges and TAX.

4. Bottles arrive at our warehouse

After the cask has been bottled, and the bottles have arrived to our warehouse in Denmark, the shareholders will be contacted by email for collection of the bottles. If you like to have your bottles shipped to your address, you will be invoiced for the shipping fee which is charged on payment of the import fee.

Cask share owners who have not paid their import fee within 2 months from when we have sent the first charge for the import fee risk that their bottles are lost and sold in another way in our store. This is because we cannot have cask share bottles standing in our warehouse for a long time. Should there be a need to store the cask share bottles for a longer period, an individual agreement can be made with us. Shareholders who lose their cask share bottles in this way can only claim the actual purchase price for the share at the time of purchase in question.

* The cask samples, which are typically 70cl, are used partly to ensure the quality of the alcohol, but also for customers to buy a sample (typically 3cl), so that they can follow the cask as well. Furthermore, the cask samples are used for our cask sample tastings, where we typically taste 8 different cask samples.